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Application functionality
Assume all acquisitions archived and logged.
Transfer Line
- Calculate and steer angle and position of beam using BPMs and elements in
transfer line.
- Need accurate measurement of optics in lines to calculate x, x’, y, y’
- manual and automatic injection steering to reduce injection oscillations
(kicker control, orthogonal knobs, bumps, aperture scans etc…)
- Matching lines & LHC as one, OTR screens… etc.
First turn
- Trajectory acquisition
- Threading
- Turn by turn over first N turns
- Closure
- Injection point correction
- Acquisition, orbit correction, average, difference
- Harmonic analysis
- Energy measurement, mis-match, adjustment using correctors etc.
- Sum signal of BPMs etc.
- Beta beating analysis, phase advance
- Derivatives: crossing angles, beam separation,
- Bunch by bunch derivatives: transverse position along a batch,
Going to have to deal intelligently with the parts of the two rings in
common, the various separation and crossing-angle bumps plus spectrometer magnet
compensation etc.
1000 turn:
- archive, display, analysis
Going to need
- first turn trajectory - do the crates need to know what intensity is coming?
[bunch selection, average over all bunches]
- first turn trajectory of injected batch with beam circulating already
- first N turns trajectory
- orbit via CMW and concentration - options: beam 1 & 2, average, bunch selection.
Timing event triggered acquisition (ramp etc.)
- 1000 turn: lots of options - trigger acquisitions - sync. with RF, sync.
with TFB
Latency of around 1 second acceptable.
1. CMW request to "concentrator" including parameter list - subscribe.
2. Concentrator takes responsibility for issuing TTC request. Concentration
of data will be done in LSA middle tier. Parameters to be established e.g. Batch/Bucket
Number/Ring. Preloaded front-end settings will need to be invoked. Could well
be a
request automatically issued for each injection.
3. Concentrator subscribes (CMW) to all BPM crates and takes responsibility
for pulling all BPM readings together and re-publishing.
Beam |
Bunch Intensity |
Batch |
Bunch |
Average |
Number of turns |
Trajectory |
Orbit |
Diagnosis of individual BPMs
Dedicated application
Integration with real-time channel ------ think this one through