CERN Accelerating science

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Application functionality

Assume all acquisitions archived and logged.

Transfer Line

First turn


Going to have to deal intelligently with the parts of the two rings in common, the various separation and crossing-angle bumps plus spectrometer magnet compensation etc.

1000 turn:



Going to need

Latency of around 1 second acceptable.

1. CMW request to "concentrator" including parameter list - subscribe.

2. Concentrator takes responsibility for issuing TTC request. Concentration of data will be done in LSA middle tier.  Parameters to be established e.g. Batch/Bucket Number/Ring. Preloaded front-end settings will need to be invoked. Could well be a request automatically issued for each injection.

3. Concentrator subscribes (CMW) to all BPM crates and takes responsibility for pulling all BPM readings together and re-publishing.


  Beam Bunch Intensity Batch Bunch Average Number of turns  


Diagnosis of individual BPMs

Dedicated application

Integration with real-time channel ------ think this one through