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Client API

Based on discussions held on 6th and 21st June

Input: Greg Kruk, Steve Page, Lionel Mestre, Robin Lauckner, Herv� Milcent, Franck Di Maio, Adriaan Rijllart, Kris Kostro, Sergio Pasinelli, Mike Lamont.

Main input: Greg 
Reported by:  Mike

Client Interface attributes

Meta data already cached in PM server - sent by separate channel well before PM event [BinX XML description]







Comments on  Above from Robin

The first 3 attributes: system ID, device class, device ID, are a triplet serving to identify the data object. As objects may vary from single values to complex structures (as in the case of the QPS) they will not generally map to �official� LHC device classes. Objects may even come from more than one �system� where I assume the definition of �system� to be linked to the accelerator hardware systems. While the main ambition is that the triplet is unique I would not try and map it to an existing entity within the control system.

The Event timestamp attribute identifies the instance of the data object. It should be in UTC.

The server should not be involved with re-assembling segmented data. The sequence number identifies the segments.

The first 5 attributes will be used by the server to generate a unique file path and name where the associated instance of the data object will be stored.

The Number of segments is not correct here. Assembly of segments should be done when the data is converted into the SDDS file. This quantity will be stored in the meta data. Consider two transactions with the same data object triplet but different Number of segments.

The Alternative storage address is not correct here. This safety mechanism should be hidden from the client.

Interface c/o Greg

CMWStructure {
char* systemId;  ???????
char* deviceClass;
char* deviceId;
64bits eventTimestamp;
longlong firstRecordTimestamp; [standardised ns]

byte[] pmData;

This is just an example how it could look like. As you see the additional meta information is not included in the binary data but as separate fields in CMW structure.

If you remember on the TC "Software for LHC HWC" on the presentation I made - I mentioned that it seems a good idea to have a kind of client API that could be used to send the data. I would see such API like:

//Pseudo-code in Java

PMClient client = new PMClient("MySystemID", "MyDeviceClass", "MyDeviceID");

PMData data = client.createData(<timestamp>, <binaryblock>);

data.setAdditionalProperty(...); ...


//Pseudo-code in C++ !!

PMClient* client = new PMClient("MySystemID", "MyDeviceClass", "MyDeviceID");

PMData* data = client->createData(<timestamp>, <binaryblock>);

data->setAdditionalProperty(...); ...


// C interface would implement the above as a function call

Present situation - c/o Sergio & Steve

// Thread to submit post-mortem data

void run(void)
unsigned int pm_index;
unsigned int pub_index;

// Wait for a post-mortem event


// Do nothing if data is not frozen for post-mortem

if(!pub.frozen) continue;

logPrintf("PM dump started\n");

// Copy frozen published data to post-mortem buffer

for(pm_index = 0, pub_index = (pub.published_data_index + 1) % (PM_BUF_LEN + 1) ; pub_index != pub.published_data_index ; pub_index = (pub_index + 1) % (PM_BUF_LEN + 1))
pm_globals.pm_data[pm_index++] = pub.published_data[pub_index];

// Un-freeze published data

pub.frozen = 0;

// Send post-mortem data

pmclient->simple_PO_test_set((const signed char *)pm_globals.pm_data, (unsigned long)sizeof(pm_globals.pm_data));


logPrintf("PM dump completed\n");