CERN Accelerating science

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Controls Radiation Monitoring
[c/o Thijs Wijnands]

Radiation monitors scattered around the tunnel  [functional spec [.doc]]

8 IPs. Two gateways per IP with up to 64 devices per gateway.  4096 maximum.  [40 Gb hard drive down there]

The 16 radmon gateways will be X86 industrial PCs with Linux redhat 2.4.20-30.7 (or more recent)

Sector test: 32 devices in place

Each device counting  (a word [8 bits]) at up to 100 Hz continuously. 

Probably only interesting at certain points in a cycle.

- beam dump
- injection

Need someway of triggering acquisition and stopping it when there is beam.


database which would include:

- configuration
- calibration data, scaling factors etc.

FETs - type, sensitivity varies on device memory at 3,4,5 Volts depends on location - parameters needed at boot time. CONFIGURATION DATABASE.


 -- push to top at much reduced rate & display, log etc.  - use LHC PC solution?

-- buffer everything locally 100 Hz and optionally push to post-mortem system in case of messy event


Would expect to use standard support.

Need fixed displays, either same or similar to BLMs and BCMs to allow easy comparison
