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LHC Beam Dump 

Commissioning stuff - December 2007

Input: Etienne Carlier, Brennan Goddard

Version one - XPOC requirements July 2007

For further discussion of POC and PM see



System components





Use Cases

  1. Dump fired by Beam Interlock System
  2. Dump fired at operator request. via BIC, or via dedicated channel.
  3. Simultaneous dump request
  4. Dump throws beam permit before injection
  5. Inject and dump immediately, inject and dump after x turns demanded by operator
  6. Diagnose faults
  7. Power cut, recovery from power cut. UPS, surveillance.
  8. Dump fires correctly but POC finds a a fault.  Redo dump?

Alternative Use Cases (more the concern of Machine Protection)

  1. Beam dump doesn't fire, loses energy tracking
  2. Orbit excursion at IP6 get too big.
  3. Beam in abort gap
  4. Loss of computer facilities - BLM front-end down? FGC?


Operations: controls requirements

Dedicated setting up process.

POC etc [cut from link above]


Checks that BT stuff is OK, to enable beam permit (BT responsibility)

– Fault detection in the redundant branches

– Fault detection in the pulsed power circuits

- Raise alarms if things aren't OK


Checks that LBDS is OK, to enable beam permit (CO responsibility)

– Impact position and shape of the beam on the absorber block

– Check of the synchronization with the particle free gap

– Losses in extraction channel

– Dumped intensity

– All LBDS system status

– Controls system readiness

– Origin of the dump request

– Operation, beam loss monitor, quench, …

3. What happens where?

- IPOC - BT equipment Front-Ends

- XPOC - Control system process - acting on subset logged or PM data

- PM - Control system process - to be triggered after every beam dump.


Post-Operation Check [XPOC]

After every firing of the beam dump, a series of checks must be performed. Until these are successful the beam dump can not be re-armed.

The purpose of it is:
– Fault detection in the redundant branches
– Fault detection in the pulsed power circuits
– Check of the impact of the beam on the absorber block
– Check of the synchronization with the particle free gap
– …

For POC information of a dumping action:
– the position of the impact of the beam on the absorber block
• All beam monitors in the extraction and beam transport channel -- For the BIC->TTC pathway, is the latency fixed (e.g. always 2 turns) or
does it vary? Who is looking after this?
  I.e. How do we trigger the extraction line beam instrumentation??
• A absolute precision of 1 �s is needed
– the origin of the dump request
• Operation, beam loss monitor, quench, …
• A absolute precision of 1 �s is needed

For POC of a dumping action:
– the voltage levels and status in the Dump Kicker System
• ~ 650 words, 16 bits
– the waveforms of the currents in kicker magnets, pulse
generators and trigger systems
• ~ 300 channels
• A 1 �s resolution is needed for the shape
• A 10ns precision is needed for the rise time

Inject and dump might not require full POC, but before the full monty - fully revalidate the system.

beam dump trigger buffer freeze. - -  levels of PM, intensity dependence, beam permit?


Logging via CMW publish.

With a full set of appropriate correlation and extraction utilities.


The information returned for a post-operation check will also make up the data fed to the post-mortem system in the event of an external system failure. For an internal system failure the full list of post-mortem data needs to be established.

Distinguish between PM operator (PMO) and PM expert (PME)

Waveform acquisition

Orbit Feedback

Transient orbit - windows on based on BSFlag... feedback ain't going to be on all the time... setup, establish circulating beam etc.



Retriggering (c/o Jan) [red herring]

Following the discussions in the LHC collimation Working Group here some more details on the re-trigger delay of the LHC beam dump kickers MKD (thanks to Etienne who gave me the information):

Detailed measurements of the re-trigger time were made about 1 year go, since then the system has been changed but this is only going to affect the re-trigger time at the lower energies. For energies above about 3.0 TeV Etienne is willing to guarantee a maximum re-trigger time between two generators of 700 ns. Below 3.0 TeV this delay is likely to increase up to a maximum of 1200 ns at 450 GeV – detailed measurements should be made before the summer. For the collimators it is probably the delay at high energies of 700 ns which is the most important and is well known.

The delay measurements were made with a cable length of 40 m between two generators, this is the maximum re-trigger cable length between two generators for the final installation. The delay for the cable is about 5 ns/m, so between two adjacent generators the delay can assumed to be 40 * 5 / 14 = 14 ns. The worst case is probably MKD no. 1 producing an erratic, MKD 2 will then re-trigger after 500 + 14 = 514 ns, MKD 3 at 528 ns etc.