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Essentially driven by pre-loaded functions to power converters.
Max & Min beta
Beta* injection [m] |
Minimum beta* [m] |
IR1 | 17 |
0.55 |
IR5 | 17 |
0.55 |
IR2 | 10 |
1.0 |
IR8 | 10 |
1.0 |
Squeeze Table - illustration
IR | time | optics_name |
IR8 | 0 | A1700C1700A1000L1000 |
IR8 | 30 | A1700C1700A1000L0900 |
IR8 | 60 | A1700C1700A1000L0800 |
IR8 | 90 | A1700C1700A1000L0700 |
IR8 | 120 | A1700C1700A1000L0600 |
IR8 | 150 | A1700C1700A1000L0500 |
etc.. |
LSA settings generation module, as implied above, has to generate functions from/to any given beta for any given IP or IPs - settings labeled by context (beam process). BP name generated on fly. Beam process type would probably exist already. Details to be established. Besides current you also get Kn(t) and beta(t).
Use the minimum maxiumum di/dt to evaluate step time (linear current change). Note that we put in a parabolic round in and round off at each optics step.
What changes? What elements are involved? Everything else stays put.
Speed; consideration of the limits imposed by the quadrupoles power converter di/dt
Another issue: we are running out of volts on the RQX Inner Triplet if we use the max di_dt that has been requested. This happens during the first squeeze transition. Ideally we want to keep below 8V. This would impose a di/dt of ~4 A/s
Number of steps? During commissioning we step through...
Combined ramp and squeeze - forget it for the moment
One IP at a time (in which case we will have to worry about the effect of
the X-ing angle and the effect on long range interactions)
Going to have to have to maintain:
As elucidated, primary and secondary collimators to follow squeeze. Really going to have to worry about beta beating. Perhaps to 8 sigma at first, stop in squeeze, place at 7 sigma, check before continuing.
Worry about: x-angle change with beta function, will need to be monitored and adjusted during the squeeze to keep the beam in collision.
TCDQ has to track. When does it move?
Any of the below dynamic?