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Machine Protection
Control System in general
- Impact of availability
- Impact of reliability
- Failure - network, gateways, server - failsafe
Secure Settings
- BLM thresholds [-> non-volatile memory]
- Collimator, TDI, TCDQ settings
- Kickers & Septa
- Dump
Post Mortem
Post Operations Checks - test sequences
Importance for reliability
- Beam Dump
- Beam Instrumentation
- Validation, state control (?)
Between systems, between operations and controls- reliability
Protection against false manipulations
- Operators
- Feedback systems
- Catalog scenarios
Generation and distribution of safe LHC parameters
- Energy
- Others intensity, beta*
Safe beam conditions
Orbit, tune, beta beating, mode
Software Interlocks
Settings Monitoring
Threshold changes through corruption
Mis-conception in system implementation