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Issues (in no particular order)

Towards a common middleware: SPS2001 provides support library for device property (implement with CMW). First, implement device data with CMW. Device server framework to declare data properties (meta-data). (Note: XML translated to header file, C structure, validation, Java class)

MJ to provide stripped down version. Kris to link to CMW. Possibly test with RF timing modules (Andy). Client side wrapper around device properties.

However, attempt cut short by questions about CMW's ability in its present state to meet requirements of power converters and BI.


  1. Simple set command/response to one device. Switch power converter on. Response indicates that the command has been successfully (or not) received, not that it has been completed. Command could be an action (INIT) or a state change for example.
  2. Command/response set with parameters to one device. Data structures can get complicated, for example, when loading functions.
  3. Simple get command/response to one device. Data structures return could be quite complicated
  4. Get command/response with parameters congiguring the nature of the get. Measurements.
  5. Context dependent get - cycle type, id, time in the cycle
  6. Context dependent set - cycle type, id, time in the cycle
  7. async versions of above,
  8. multi-equip version of the above
  9. Subscription - on change - periodic - condition subscription



minfo[mequip_hw].nam = nam;
minfo[mequip_hw].action = action;
minfo[mequip_hw].mode = mode;
minfo[mequip_hw].cycle = Request->ActHWEntry[hwind].SegID.EVCode;
arg[mequip_hw] = (char *)s_array;
bcnt[mequip_hw] = ndata * sizeof(short);

n_bad = MEQUIP(mequip_hw,   time_out,    minfo,     bcnt,    (long *)0,    arg,     Errmsg,    errnum,    asy_YES);

LEP's old mequip

rc = equ_m_sf_q(&ordpca, &ordfam, &ordmem, pHWSettings->ActualHWCommand, 0, "B", &ordseq, &orderr);

Use of blackboxes....

if (!strncmp(HWSettings.ActualHWCommand,"address-",8)) ret = BBmiladdr_read(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strcmp(GroupType,"PC") || !strcmp(GroupType,"EXPTPC")) ret = BBpwc_read(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strncmp(GroupType,"BIVID",5)) ret = BBbiv_read(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strncmp(GroupType,"STOPPER",7) || !strncmp(GroupType,"SCREEN",6)) ret = BBsls_read(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strncmp(GroupType,"RF",2)) ret = BBrf_read(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strncmp(GroupType,"ERF",3)) ret = BBrfequ_read(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strncmp(GroupType,"COLL",4)) ret = BBcol_read(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strncmp(GroupType,"MUG",3)) ret = BBPCMug_read(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strncmp(GroupType,"ZL",2)) ret = BBZL_read(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strncmp(GroupType,"KI",2)) ret = BBkick_read(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strncmp(GroupType,"SPSKICKER",9)) ret = BBspsKickers_read(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strncmp(GroupType,"DUMP",4)) ret = BBSpsStopper(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else if (!strncmp(GroupType,"DAMP",4)) ret = BBSpsDamper(&HWSettings,&Ans);
else { SetERROR(0); InfoMessage("Error : ","I Have No BlackBox to Call for the ","Selected Hw Type"); return(1); }

Sometimes if all you need to do is a simple single command calling the bb is a bit of a pain because you have to setting up the structures for the call. This is if you're off making an ahoc sort of access. But what you do see it that the effort comes in marshalling the data for a call not in actually making the call.

With sloppysoft wherein the data (if needed) was on the database the following simple call was all that was necessary:




Users: experts, control room application programmers, ad-hoc application development

Measurements and the need for user options to configure some of them.


PS/SL common middleware project



"definition of a coherent and equipment-independent device access interface"

Two main aspects: use of DIM, and the functionality offered by the device server: use of contracts, support for multi-cycling etc. Underlying middleware hidden away.

Will need some multi-cycling support, cycle catalog for devices/groups of devices, resisdent set (add, delete etc). API defined, implementation progressing. Provides added value via state contract etc...,
