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Post Mortem meeting (15/03/05) - reported by Lionel
Present :
Mike Lamont, Sergio Pasinelli, Stephen Page, Grzegorz Kruk, Lionel Mestre
Situation :
Sergio made a CMW server and provided a library to send data in BinX format
directly from CMW.
Sergio is providing a way to send BinX data compressed in zip format and
Stephen provided test data from one gateway in BinX format along with the XML
Greg looked at the gateway data in the BinX format and in the XML format
associated to BinX.
It was seen that that XML format is not suitable because of its size and
Discussion :
Compression with zip adds workload on gateway and saves on bandwith. It has to
be seen if the ratio saving/cost makes it an interesting option.
Reliability of sending from gateway has to be considered later on. In case of
failure to send via CMW local storage has probably to be considered.
It was stated that post-mortem consist of 3 independent problems :
1 - sending data from the gateway to the post mortem server
2 - getting data in a useable format from Java for analysis
3 - long term storage of data in a database
1 is now well advance using BinX and Sergio CMW server.
2 is open. 3 possible solutions are foreseen :
- using CMW to access binary data in BinX format (Sergio)
- converting BinX to SDDS
- converting BinX to Rosali (BDI format)
Stephen mentionned that a mapping has to take place in the CMW server to
match channel number with actual power converter name.
Actions :
- (Stephen) Use the library provide by Sergio to send BinX data
- (Sergio) Check how to get the hostname or the CMW server name from the Gateway
sending data (necessary for mapping channel number to power converter name)
- (Sergio) Check with QPS team to get there data in BinX format
- (Greg) Look at Rosali format and provided tools
- (Greg, Lionel) Look at a common structure for all PM data
- (Greg, Lionel) See how is it possible to send PM data from PVSS using Sergio
CMW library
Next meeting to be determined.