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Real-time control in the context of the Multipole factory

Meeting held on Friday 1-03-2003 -  reported by Mike Lamont

Present : Thijs Wijnands, Mike Lamont, Luca Bottura, Laurent Deniau, Quentin King, Ralph    , Jens Andersen, 


Luca presented the status of possible on-line measurements... 

1. Rotating coils. At present can provide measurements at rate of one per 20 second. The use of slip rings which allow the coils to carry on spinning in the same direction should allow 1 Hz (as in HERA). 

2. Fast measurements from Hall plates  give b3 and b5 at around 10 Hz with less precision than the rotating coils. Should be capable of +/- 0.1 units of b3 after calibration.

3. NMR probe giving b1 at some what less than 1 Hz. New German NMRs are capable of 10-5 accuracy after calibration. Expected to be available after 1 to 2 years.

Luca brief mentioned the b3, b5 measurements at the Tevatron, and associated improvements of control algorithms controlling sextupoles during snapback.

Following discussion partially based on collation of points that had been raised before. Main points below.

All RT processes need to use the same stuff to:

Power converters

i.e. control of corrector settings & translation between high level parameters and current for a given class of correctors needs to be performed at a single place. That is: strength to gradient conversion, the transfer function look up, taking care of hysteresis loop crossing etc. Changes in the correctors can be tracked and appropriate adjustments applied as required. This process will require access to the transfer functions and beam parameters (such as energy).

Discussion of the potential use of preloaded functions on flat bottom.

QK explained that the low level RST control would smother the granularity of real-time corrections (??).

Somewhat worrying discussion about the effects of a front-end controller crashing (e.g from a SEU) in the process of executing a pre-loaded function (PLF). Correctors in the tunnel will crash. They have the ability to recover in 2 seconds. The PLF is stored in RAM, problems  if this is corrupted. Recovery faster if not using a PLF, which would eliminate the reload time. Quentin suggest using real-time channel instead of PLFs. Mainly of concern for the orbit corrector (tunnel). Sextupoles and decapoles expected to receive something like 200 time less radiation.

Multipole factory

Problem sketched by Luca. Sign change in the direction of the current  forces a loop crossing (jump in B/I versus I), magnitude dependent effect which will require sophisticated on-line modeling.

Could attempt to pre-stress correctors in attempt to minimise effect.  Push some sets up, some down perhaps.  Not viable for b3 correctors. Increase frequency lots if little trips round the loop. Lots of volts at snapback to cover dynamic effects.

Discussion about pursuing some prototyping some stuff to exercise some of the above concepts. Ideally via feedforward from magnetic measurements - ambitious at this stage but possibilities might exist in block 4/SM18. In the first instance:

Everyone pretty much very busy until Q3 2003 and then some. Agreed to try and get moving after the summer recess.

Other points

Who is responsible for defining the architecture and implementation of the crates/back ends/rt control environment/interfaces for the test reference magnets and eventually the real thing? MTA need some support here.