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Meeting held on Friday 8-05-2001 - reported by Mike Lamont
Present : M. Jonker, A. Butterworth, M. Lamont, O. Berrig, Lars Jensen, Jean-Jacques Gras, Rhodri Jones, Hermann Schmickler, Joerg Wenninger
Prototyping in the SPS using pickups equipped with LHC electronics
Mike presented the now well-established motivation for prototyping local orbit feedback for the LHC in the SPS.
Rhodri presented possible BPM alternatives and electronics issues:
The LHC type acquisition system cable length has to be as short as possible.
Would still need WorldFIP (or microFIP or digital I/O on VME bus) for resets etc.- only a few bits flowing.
Hermann explained that the pickups could be used to make beta measurements (1000 turns) to supplement emittance measurements, particularly of they were placed at 40 degrees phase advance with respect to the existing MOPOS equipped pickups. This in point 5 of the SPS.
After discussion it was clear that the favoured solution was 6 modified LEP pickups. Modified aperture, and flange for LEP buttons required.
(Both planes? i.e. two buttons versus four buttons - cost.)
Would need to put a small project proposal together by August to get approval ASAP. Long lead time in design of pickups, vacuum modifications, ST pulling cables etc.
Main areas requiring attention
The pickups will only work with LHC beams, with potential use on the second (MD) protons cycle, or during the dedicated LHC 25 ns test beams (availability in 2002 to be checked).
Other issues
Next meeting in a month