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13 Nov 2003
Present: EH, RL, RS, ML
Test phases
1st phase: Test the PCs in short, without connection to the magnets.
2nd phase: Test the PCs connected to the magnets.
We need control facilities:
Note 1:
These facilities would be applied to one PC, a group of PCs or all PC available.
Grouping of PCs will be done according to types of operation and commissioning,
i.e. in terms of type (600 A,..), geographic location.
Note 2:
Must be able to control the PC in terms of physics parameters (TBC), hardware
magnitudes (strengths) and hardware settings (currents).
Battery tests
Quenches of certain magnets at low current will be provoked, and all signals
(which ??) will be logged.
Reason: they would like to identify if the quenches were handled as expected,
i.e. to make sure:
1. if quench heaters are effective,
2. if decayed normally as expected,
3. if any magnet is damaged.
Read the energy extraction from the quench magnets, decay currents.
This is a procedure that will be needed during normal operation, in addition to the PM analysis that will be done in case of a quench.
Req. for CO:
1. Signal Analysis tool (Data mining) that analyses a posteriori the signals
data collected, compares their values to what theoretical expected and issues
warnings if they are not the same:
a. The data gathering of all the signal is part of the PM system
b. The data analysis tool is not part of the PM system
c. It is important to define the format, which the data will be stored in, as it
has a large bearing on the implementation of the analysis tool.
d. Experiments are using smt similar for data analysis and display ROOT.
e. Naming convention for signals must be agreed upon.
Single display system
Additional system related to Powering tests:
1. Protection system QPS
2. Interlocks (BIC, PIC)
3. Powering software
4. Cryogenics (status)
Req. for CO: It is required to have a general single display with information
coming from several systems including the ones above. The measurement system
should provide some of this information. The rest, like QPS is measured/stored
in PVSS specific files. We should be able to recover this info and display it.