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Fixed Displays
Looking for generic java based tool feeding off of middle layer acquisition (or
direct subscription or RT). Some displays mode dependent, to start and
stop automatically on mode change. Minimal number of direct video channel feeds
(injection screens plus other possible signals from BDI - could include RT Tune
FTT, beam image from SR monitors, BCT, and possibly some RF signals). Plan
to mop most things up with "software" fixed displays which will include:
- Injection: screens: 2-d images, profiles, beam sizes &
positions, x,x', at injection point
- Transfer lines: bunch currents, beam sizes, beam loses,
beam position in line, screens in line
- BLMs: arcs, collimators
- BCT: total, bunch by bunch, possibly showing limits outside which beam-beam
becomes a problem, beam lifetime
- QPS and Energy extraction system status
- Cryogenics summary status, magnet temperature
- Power
converter status,
- Vacuum - possible only on demand
- Radiation monitors
- Collimator positions
- Tune: FFT, Schottky
- Orbit: Global plus crossing angles, beam separation at IP
- RF: Mountain range turn by turn
- RF: Qs - longitudinal PU - phase loop, unit status
- Experiments: status, luminosity, backgrounds, radiation
- RF & feedback systems: Virtual scope - Qs etc., unit status,
frequency, volts, bunch length
Fixed displays will require the standard utilities:
- Screen capture, replay, mode dependencies
- Feeds of this stuff to remote sites, video channels, web...
- title
- label
- rolling time based strip plot
- histogram (e.g. beam position versus monitor name)
- scatter plot - beam image
- mountain range - time development of beam loss, etc.
- and so on
Plus Alarm screen, machine protection.
On-line monitoring of the state and tolerances of everything will
be required,
dynamic, configurable, mode dependent. Any exceptions will raise alarm and possibly
throw the beam or power permit
- Monitoring of control system components: front-ends, gateway, front
end controllers etc..
- Monitoring and diagnostic of interlock systems
- RF: Monitor feedback loops.