CERN Accelerating science

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Sequencer Commands

ABORT_MASK manipulates the abort concentrator module (C200) mask.
ACKNOWLEDGE displays a dialog box with a choice of quitting or continuing.
ACL executes a file containing an ACL (Accelerator Command Language) script.
ALARM_LIST requests another application to manipulate alarm lists.
AUTO_PLOT starts up the Fast Time Plot facility.
BEAM_SWITCH turns software beam switches on or off.
BOOCOL allows interface to the Booster collimator stations.
BOOSTER_BUNCHES sets the number of Booster bunches for a given reset event
BOOSTER_TURNS sets the number of Booster turns for a given reset event.
BOOST_INTENSITY adjusts the Booster intensity for a given reset event.
BPM_MODE sets the BPM microP's sampling mode.
CHECK_DEVICE checks the value of a specified device and property.
COALESCE turns bunch coalescing on or off for a given particle type.
COG sets the cogging module offset to allow RF cogging of particles.
COMMENT inserts a comment into the Sequencer's log.
COPY_SCREEN makes a hardcopy or save file of console application screens.
CTLIT_DEVICE performs basic control operations on an ACNET device.
CTL_DEVICE performs basic control operations on an ACNET device.
CUSTOM allows for special actions not available elsewhere.
ECCOLL allows interface to the Electron Cooling collimator stations.
EDIT_COMMAND carries out special "internal" edits.
EJECT sends a proton bunch from the Tevatron to the Main Injector.
EVENT allows manipulation of clock events; trigger, enable and disable.
FLY_TEV sets the fly-spec number for the new Tevatron flying wire system.
FLY_SPEC sets the requested fly-spec number for a system.
FTP starts up the Fast Time Plot facility.
GPIB writes a command string to specified GPIB module.
INJECT sends a bunch into the Tevatron from the Main Injector or Accumulator.
INSTRUCT displays a set of instructions on the TV screen.
KILL_BEAM fires the abort event in the Tevatron, hence removing beam.
LEAD_FLOW manipulates the the lead flow from the Tevatron power feed cans.
LOAD_TLG requests a new TLG timeline and repeat rate for that timeline.
LOGGER_MODE sets Lumberjack data-logger modes.
LOOP allows looping (repeated execution) over a set of commands.
NOOP displays a comment line in the command window.
NOTIFY allows sending a message to the notify facility.
POLARITY performs polarity settings on an ACNET device.
REMOTE_PGM waits for a program that was previously started asynchronously.
REPLAY sends a script to a remote program to replay.
SCRIPT sends a script to a remote program to replay.
SEQ_PGM is used to communicate with any Sequencer client programs.
SET_ENUMERATED sets an ACNET device (with setting property) to one of a set of
enumerated values.
SETIT_DEVICE sets and checks an ACNET device (with setting property).
SET_070 sets CAMAC 070 devices
SET_SEQ performs several internal Sequencer activities.
SET_DEVICE sets an ACNET device (with setting property).
SHOT_LOG makes entries in a shot scrapbook to automatically document shots.
SNAP starts up the Snapshot Plot facility.
SPECTRUM_LOAD requests an application to download spectrum analyzer files.
START_PGM starts any specified program on any specified console and slot.
STEP_MOTOR moves a stepper motor to specified position.
TEVCOL allows interface to the Tevatron collimator stations.
TIMER allows setting and control of CAMAC 177 and 377 timers
UTIL provides access to different Sequencer utility features.
VCR sets the VCRs to record or rewind.
WAIT_STATUS waits for a device reading to reach a specified status value.
WAIT_DEVICE waits for a device reading to get within specified tolerance.
WAIT_FOR allows different timing waits or pauses.
WEB_LOG makes entries in web-based logbooks.
XVIEW will display or save a screen in GIF format.