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Discussion with Bernd Dehning 9th November 2004 including
Preliminary list of Requirements follow below.
Beam Loss Monitors - requirements
Collimation |
Critical |
1 turn |
Critical aperture |
Critical |
1 turn |
Ring |
2.5 ms |
Primary collimators |
1 turn bunch-by-bunch |
- ~4000 monitors
- Plus the possibility of movable BLMs
- 2 different acquisition system, different monitors for 2 beams
- Essentially passive. Potentially huge amount of data.
- Secure adjustment of dump thresholds - not the operators, please not the
- Various Integration times at front-end - potentially pushing up 44,000 values at 1 Hz.
Data reduction at source.
- Quench level varies with energy, different observation windows and
thresholds - Threshold table. Critical.
- Possibility to filter out zero or near zero before logging to avoid
logging unnecessary values.
Crates have BOBR timing card - connected to BST.
Post Mortem
- Buffer last 100 - to 1000 turns
- Average rates on timescales of a few seconds and 10 minutes before a beam
- Thresholds
- Interface to machine protection
Data pushed up on the receipt of a post-mortem event. What post event
analysis needs to be done?
Fixed Display
- Normalized loss rates
- Thresholds
- History, moving average
- Coincidence signals from several nearby quadrupoles
- Rates: RT or slower
- Single/ multipole monitor zoom
What, how, how often and in what format?
- Measured and calculated loss rates at 1 Hz [different integration
periods]. From 40 microsecond to 60 seconds - 40 microseconds gives the
maximum seen in any given 40 microseconds in a second.
- Threshold table - see BD above, threshold values, maximums and other misc
data. Total 28 k per minute [check!]
- Analysis: cross-correlation against everything
- Times stamping, correlation of measurements from different monitors,
different sets of monitors.
- Mode dependent logging frequency
Comments from Ronny:
- 1. LHC Logging is not intended as an on-line real-time monitoring system
in order to serve live Fixed Displays.
- 2. Chucks of buffered data must be sent, currently the limitation is 1MB
XML file
- 3. The frequency of the data file sending is ideally in the order of every
10 minutes. This limit has been stretched for shot-by-shot logging to
approximately every 20 seconds.
- 4. Channel names are predefined and expected to respect LHC naming
- 5. Data is expected to be time stamped with UTC
- 6. Data filtering and reduction would be highly appreciated
- 7. Importing of HERA BLM data in the logging database would be an
interesting test for the data vizualisation point of view
Real time acquisition
Getting hold of the contents of the post-mortem buffer i.e. turn by turn
data, even when there isn't a PM event.
Experiments' BLMs
Haul them in along with the rest.
Integration into optimization procedures
Other Issues
- Warnings? Alarms?
- Malfunctioning, disable monitor.
- Operational checks before beam.
- Who fills the threshold tables? Who sets the warning levels, dump levels
and such.
1) The only reason for adding the thresholds to the BLM electronics would be
if we have:
A) Connection to the LHC injection BICs with inhibit in case losses > thresholds
B) Alarms in case the losses > thresholds
Could you please comment on A) and B)
We will have to check with Bernd what he intends to do about the thresholds as
a function of
energy as I'm not convinced the transmission via the timing system will be ready
and tested then !!
2) The single-pass transfer-line BLMs (BLMI) include monitors around the MSI
and MKI and for those I can create alarms and we can connect the system to the
BIC (TI8 or
LHC injection or both) .. Jorg is thinking about this ..