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LHC TDI - injection absorbers

Concerning the control in general, and the alignment method in particular, for the TDI, TCLI, TCDQ and TCSG (IR6) collimators, it should be clearly born in mind that these are part of the machine protection system and not part of the collimation system. These collimators will need to be set up independantly to positions which are determined by the protection requirements, not by any beam cleaning issues. It will not be possible to have these collimators in a control system which will adjust their positions for beam cleaning reasons, however cconvenient this might seem. As I see it, these devices are set up according to the protection requirements, and the collimation system proper must then be set up in order that the beam load on these protection elements (like for the rest of the machine) is acceptable. There is no question that these protection devices will be included in some kind of general collimator adjustment application, with feedback from BLMs etc. We will set them up together - the injection protection elements TDI and TCLI together, and the dump protection elements TCDQ and TCSG together. Our baseline for the setting up process for all these elements assumes that we will do this EITHER by a transmission/remote loss measurement for a single injected bunch, OR by scraping through a circulating beam and deriving the beam size and centre by the resulting intensity vs position curve, OR finally by loss levels recorded on local BLMs. Hence we certainly do not want that the TCLI and TCSG can only be set up using this local BLM loss feedback that is (I think) intended for the main collimator system.

SSM (safe settings management) has no role in the 'control' per se of the protection elements; we have to have some reference values resident in the front-ends, in order to be able to generate interlocks if the jaw positions are wrong - SSM is the high level application which is being discussed to manage these references (for many other systems, not just protection devices). We already discussed this concept concerning the settings for the extraction/transfer/injection elements, and Mike will make a proposal about how this is to be done. However (contrary to what is stated in the minutes) I don't think it's the Cocost meeting where this should be developed/followed up, since it is a general issue for all machine-protection related equipment.

c/o Brennan


Information sources

LAWG meeting held on Nov 23, 2000

O. Bruening, E. Carlier, B. Jeanneret, M. Lamont, R. Schmidt, M. Vanden Eynden



Explore use of LHC TDI during operational cycle in an attempt to identify control requirements.


The TDI absorber - 2* 4.2 m jaws each of which is adjusted by two independent step motors.

The TDI must be accurately aligned to the vertical crossing angle orbit (IR2), separation bump (IR8). For the current crossing angle separation scheme (Version 6 of the LHC lattice) the vertical orbit changes by 0.2mm over the length of the TDI which is of the same magnitude as the required alignment accuracy.

Quench limit : 38 mJ cm3   Damage limit: 87 Jcm 3
Operating conditions
"Nominal bunch : 1:05 1011 protons, every 16.8 at  32 mm from edge.
Full 2:55 1013 protons or ultimate batch 4:13 1013 p on various spots of TDI.

The injection protection scheme presented by Volker Mertens requires an orbit control within 0.5 sigma of the beam size at the TDI (-> 0.2mm). This orbit accuracy must be provided during the whole injection process and requires either a good knowledge of the effect of the persistent current decay on the orbit or requires an active orbit feedback system during the injection process. The TDI absorber and the collimators must be accurately positioned without having a circulating beam as a reference for the absorber position.

The TDI absorber - 2 jaws independently controlled each is adjusted by two independent step motors. The TDI must be accurately aligned to the vertical crossing angle orbit (IR2) and vertical separation bump (IR8).


Operational Use Case (first pass)


TDI position: 5.1 +/- 0.3mm (10 +/-0.5 s)


After injection before ramp