CERN Accelerating science

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Sequencer Requirements

Tevatron sequencer

Draft functional sepcification [October 2006 -pdf]

LHC cycle - breakdown


Tevatron in a lot of ways similar to LHC, we have:


LHC  Sequencer Requirements

Need to drive tasks (activities) that have to be performed in a given LHC mode or that have to be completed to allow the LHC transition from one mode to another. Provide a tool to allow reproducible, and reliable beam based LHC operation.

Need to bear in mind that LSA provides comprehensive settings management and drive facilities. Clearly need a task based interface to LSA middle-tier functionality. Could test this with script based approach in the first instance.



Ramp down to ~ 600 A. [Drive] Check that power converters have performed cycle down properly. [Check]
Collimators out  [Settings][Drive] [Check]
TDI to parking  [Settings][Drive][Check]
TDCQ out  [Settings][Drive][Check]
Kickers to standby [State][Drive]
Dumps - active  [Read State][Read Parameters][Check]
Check kicker timing [Read Parameters][Settings][Check]
Check BST. 
RF: 400 MHz & transverse dampers:

BI: check that BI front-ends are pre-configured with [Settings] relevant to the foreseen beams.

Command System Setting
LOAD/ENABLE All power converters Pre-injecton level
Send Timing RampPC Event
Set All collimators Parking
Set TDI, TCDQ Parking
Set Kickers Standby
Set Dumps Active
Check (read/compare) Kicker Setting property



Ramp & squeeze power converters - hwc tests - first prototype