LHC real-time

See also Jens's page on SPS prototyping 

We will have large multipole swings during the injection plateau and snapback...tight physics constraints & the low tolerance to beam loss.  Beam stability will depend totally on feed-forward from the reference magnets, feedback on the key beam parameters tune, orbit, energy, chromaticity...

Tuesday 16th August 2004

Use Case: Orbit feedback during nominal cycle [write-up c/o Steve Page]

Tuesday 9th August 2004

Jens's presentation showing outline of implemented system and performance.

Ralph's presentation showing: the motivation for; the challenges of; details of LHC orbit feedback; and test bed results.

Lengthy discussion...



Failure scenarios (incomplete list)

  1. BPMs go to the bad
  2. Controller doesn't respond, Controller crashes
  3. FE crashes
  4. PC gateway failure
  5. PC off

Agreed that we should Use Case use of RT in various operational scenarios to establish interplay between slow controls and RT channel.

Data exchange from business layer to RT:

Data exchange from RT to business layer:


2 machines for SU (RT OS) and controller

Data management - big issue for Service Unit.

Real-time meetings