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LHC real-time
See also Jens's page on SPS
We will have large multipole swings during the injection plateau and
snapback...tight physics constraints & the low tolerance to beam loss.
stability will depend totally on feed-forward from the reference magnets,
feedback on the key beam parameters tune, orbit, energy, chromaticity...
- Reference magnets: feed-forward of corrections to machine etc.
- Feedback-loops: Global Orbit, Local Orbit - e.g. orbit stability at
collimators, Tune Chromaticity
- Real-time knobs: typically tune, orbit bumps extension of feedback,
operator close loop, need...
- Display: Orbit Beam loss (not for abort, but display & possible
feedback) Luminosity, Beam sizes, Lifetimes�
- Timing like actions (possibly) e.g. post-mortem trigger
- Distribution of real-time data - possible use of the LHC real time data by
multiple users.
Tuesday 16th August 2004
Use Case: Orbit feedback during nominal cycle [write-up c/o Steve Page]
Tuesday 9th August 2004
Jens's presentation
showing outline of implemented system and performance.
Ralph's presentation showing: the motivation for; the challenges of; details
of LHC orbit feedback; and test bed results.
- Various applications of RT feedback, feed forward and display enumerated -
agreed that common components be used where possible.
- Jens's present implementation takes as input setup info (input UDP ,
filter, matrix, output UDP config.) plus initial parameters (filter
coefficients, matrix). The later are adjustable via CMW set to the
server. Modular implementation within a server which runs as one process.
- Interesting performance analysis shown by Jens with results from 1 M
cycles. Generally good results with occasional dropouts of 3-4 consecutive
cycle every 20 minutes.
- Ralph explained (among other things) the proposed breakdown of
functionality into controller and service unit.
Lengthy discussion...
- Simultaneous use of acquisition channels - in particular 100 k turn orbit
acquisition, the need to slice etc.
- Simultaneous use of acquisition channels - OP acquire
- Change of reference
- QOS - dedicated channel for RT - majority in favour.
- What data passes between slow controls and RT service unit/controller -
see list below
- Limits on applied corrections, power converter limits etc.
- Control of the controller
- Reference management, catalogs, reference versus time (in a fill),
- Fill-to-fill feed forward of RT corrections, format, parameters etc.
- Hysteresis loop crossing in MCS correctors - around 1 Hz - complicated, do
it at the high level
- RT feed to display from Service Unit. Not faster then 10 hZ , print,
screen grab, scales, speed, ilog-jview (lionel).
- Jdataviewer... have to sort this out. OK we don't use the
- BLM at 1 Hz. Concentrator required. Different types of monitors -
turn by turn. Spec required. Versus threshold, energy etc.
- Select set of elements show time evolution over ring.
- BCT. Bunch by bunch.
- Power converter - summary. State, reference, ... alarms. Everything
gateway block all properties for publishing.
- Tune
- Luminosity
- Real-time knob - e.g orbit bump, disable appropriate region - watch
correction rate. KISS. Change reference in
real-time... One reference - Service Unit takes care of multiple inputs.
- Data distribution: DIP - CMW should be able handle UDP push to multiple
- Standard HW for the controller - FPGA for the future... interface between
SU and controller fixed.
- Analysis of controller and Service Unit
- preliminary controller - long term tests.
- someone in controls to collaborate... prototype end 2005.
Failure scenarios (incomplete list)
- BPMs go to the bad
- Controller doesn't respond, Controller crashes
- FE crashes
- PC gateway failure
- PC off
Agreed that we should Use Case use of RT in various operational scenarios to
establish interplay between slow controls and RT channel.
Data exchange from business layer to RT:
- Optics change during squeeze
- Twiss/matrices
- Transfer functions
- Energy
- Pre-programmed I(t) in corrector circuits
- Circuit configuration
- Knob definitions
- Correction limits
- Reference orbits
- References in general.
- Control of the control
- Control loop parameters
Data exchange from RT to business layer:
- Trim history
- RT feed of corrections to high level
2 machines for SU (RT OS) and controller
Data management - big issue for Service Unit.
- 5th June 2003 Meeting to discuss RT in the context of the Multipole
Factory: Notes plus outline
Real-time meetings
- 18th March 2003: Planned MD - first look at MF Notes
- Feb 2003: Publication of MD note
(AB Note 2003-019)
- 26th November 2002: MD results Notes
network test results from SM18 (ppt)
- 8th October 2002: MD Planning Notes
- 19th April 2002: Another meeting to discuss progress of SPS prototype
project Notes
- 1st March 2002: Meeting to discuss progress of SPS prototype project
- 5th September 2001: Presentation
and acceptance of SPS prototype project to/by SLTC
- 6th July 2001: Meeting to discuss SPS prototyping with dedicated
pickups Note
- 8th June 2001: Meeting to discuss SPS prototyping with dedicated
pickups Notes
- 27th April 2001: 7th Brainstorming meeting Minutes
- 30th March 2001: 6th Brainstorming meeting Minutes
- 23rd March 2001: Meeting with MTA to discuss multipoles
factory Minutes
- 16th March 2001: 4th Brainstorming meeting Minutes
- 9th March 2001: 3rd Brainstorming meeting Minutes
- 16th February 2001: 2nd Brainstorming meeting Minutes
- 9th February 2001: Brainstorming meeting to follow
up on reactions to LHC-CP proposal. Minutes.
- 8th November 2000: Need for real-time established and accepted by
SL-TC. LHC-CP given the go ahead to start working group to refine requirements
and investigate possible architecture. Slides from the meeting: html
- April 2000 Summary of discussion with P.Ribeiro/T.Wijnands SL-CO/FE
courtesy Michel Jonker for the LHC-CP workshop.